10 Ways to Nourish your Artistic Career

In what ways can we increase our work and income that feels authentic to our artistry? Explore 10 ways below to nourish your career in this new season of growth.

  1. Refine your Vision for your Career

Invigorate your vision and purpose by answering questions that revitalize your vision for your career. Such as,

  • Where do I see myself in 10 years?

  • What are my core values?

  • How can my career support me, financially and otherwise?

  • What kind of work do I believe in?

  • Who are my favorite people to work with?

  • What kind of impact do I want to make long term?

2. Create a Project

Create a deadline for a project you’d like to share that brings value to others, creates income for you, and brings you closer to your career path. Brainstorm a project that can both challenge and delight you.

  • Set the date. (ex. 3 months away)

  • Break project down into action steps.

  • Put these steps onto your calendar.

  • Set your goals for the project.

3. Find a Community

Whether it’s an accountability partner or a group you meet with once a week, having a supportive network can help you stay committed and inspired to complete your goals. When we find ourselves in the weeds of our work, having a group that helps you maintain the wider perspective can be uplifting and revitalizing.

  • Join Vocal Center’s Career Workshop to learn and grow alongside other artists.

  • Text a friend or colleague who shares your mission and drive.

  • Join a specialized group, or create your own and set a date to meet.

  • Take a class or visit places where people in your field enjoy gathering.

4. Simplify and Grow your Money

Begin to manage your resources in a streamlined and empowering way. Begin to budget and allocate resources to your career, and begin to grow your money through work that creates value for others and shares your unique talent & artistry.

  • Create & automate your budget through resources like YouNeedaBudget.com or Mint.com.

  • Begin to automate your spending, savings and investments.

  • Practice brainstorming ways to make an additional income each month.

  • Assess your education, talent and knowledge to pinpoint specific ways to contribute to your communities.

  • Check out I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi.

5. Begin or Refine your Website

Begin to make your website your living business card & main hub for your work. You create the content and can reach your clients directly in the voice that feels right for you. Share about yourself, your resources, products and expertise.

  • Search & purchase your domain name - See what is available at domains.google

  • Use a website builder like www.squarespace.com - Get 20% off your Website by Fri, 1/7/22 at 11:59pm EST by using code JAN20WB

  • Create tabs that show the depth of your work: About, Photos, Portfolio, Store, Blog, Contact, etc.

6. Share your Artistic Voice

Begin to share your work and ideas regularly through Social Media & Email marketing. Have a social media campaign that extends across multiple platforms.

  • Create a list of contacts for your business.

  • Set up a regular email campaign, using mailchimp.com or your personal email.

  • Set up consistent handles across platforms, for ex. @vocalcenternyc across Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/YouTube with consistent logos & messaging.

7. Create Space for your Art

Make time for your creative work on your calendar, which also includes meetings, projects, and administrative work. The administrative work will span reaching out to potential partners, emailing & engaging with clients, processing payments, updating your website, etc. This daily process can be ritualistic and relaxing:

  • Set up a regular workspace that brings you joy.

  • Surround yourself with art, objects, or books that inspire you.

  • Light a candle or aromatherapy.

  • Play some light ambient music over Spotify or YouTube.

8. Find your Audience

Where does your interest and expertise intersect? Who would most benefit from learning from you or experiencing your work?

  • Create a vivid description of your ideal customer.

  • Is there anyone you know who already fits that description?

  • How can you connect with this customer & is your project/content/outreach created with them in mind?

9. Find Collaborators

No career can be forged alone. Invite colleagues to become part of your work. Build partnerships around commonly shared goals. Seek out books, mentors, or classes where you may need support as you grow in your career.

  • Is there a friend, colleague or mentor who has gone through this process before?

  • Is there a book that covers a topic you’re interested in exploring deeper?

  • With whom would you love to create work? Make a list of people you want to collaborate with and find ways to connect, via email or otherwise.

  • Check out Keith Ferrazzi’s book Never Eat Alone.

10. Nourish your Creative Well

The process of sharing your art and work is an act of creation. Many emotions arise as we change, grow, and share our work. Allow time for the unconscious mind work on your behalf.

  • Make time for Meditation.

  • Walk in nature.

  • Morning Pages / Journaling.

  • Turn off & lock your cell phone in a drawer.

  • Ask yourself a question before bed for which you need an answer & write down your dreams if you remember them.

  • Check out Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way.

If you’d like to explore these topics and more, sign up for Vocal Center’s Career Workshop, Saturdays 10:30am-12pm EST over Zoom, January 8th - March 26. Meet with other artists, receive tools to expand your income, and deepen your career in a way that rings true to your artistry.

I look forward to meeting you and supporting you in your artistic career!

Questions or comments? Feel free to fill out the form below to be in touch directly.



Alexandra Rashkin

Alexandra Rashkin, Voice and Acting Teacher at Vocal Center, a boutique studio in New York City’s Upper West Side. M.M. in Vocal Performance & Certificate in Meisner Acting Technique.


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